Pink Fire Pointer Girls Cute Animation: November 2010

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Las cirugias Esteticas en el Hombre

Las cirugias Esteticas en el Hombre
Hombre Moda

Las Cirugías Estéticas en el Hombre

Leí un artículo sobre el tema, me llamo la atención, y lo comparto: Las cirugías estéticas mas recurridas por el Hombre.

Se acabaron los tiempos del macho, aquel que tenía un lema que lo hacía suyo, un mandamiento que más de uno lo tatuó en su cuerpo: "El hombre debe de ser feo, hediondo y peludo"...Sin embargo el tiempo paso, ya no era necesario salir a cazar para traer comida, ni dejar a la mujer en casa para las labores de hogar, no señor, ahora todo cambio.

El hombre trabaja, la mujer trabaja, incluso a veces esta gana más que el machito, hasta el punto que es de ocurrencia común que los papeles se inviertan, y sea el esposo quien se quede en casa para cuidar los hijos y preocuparse del aseo.

Y no solo eso, ahora los hombres se preocupan por su apariencia, se tiñe las canas, se compra ropa de marca, va al gimnasio, se broncea durante el verano, si hasta con el dolor del alma, se arranca uno a uno los pelitos que aparecen visible al interior de su nariz, un dolor que vale la pena, dicen ellos, mientras se ven al espejo y recitan el nuevo lema que tienen ahora los "machos" : "Espejito...espejito...quien es el más bonito"...

Si...las cosas ya no son las mismas, y no lo critico, solo hago eco de la evidencia empírica, aquella que me dice, que la cirugía estética dejo de ser un reducto exclusivo de la mujer, para que el hombre se la apropiara, extirpando con la ayuda del bisturí, el paso del tiempo en su cuerpo.

Hace 20 años, 1 de cada 100 hombres se realizaba alguna cirugía estética; hoy, la cifra se incrementó a 1 de cada 10, y la cosa va aumentando, siendo las cirugías estéticas preferidas del hombre, las siguientes :

La Liposucción

Aquella que se succiona el exceso de grasa. Solo sirve para eliminar los depósitos grasos cuando se alcanzo el objetivo en la bascula

La Abdominoplastia

Tiene lugar generalmente luego de la cirugía estética anterior, donde habiendo perdido peso, se retira quirúrgicamente el exceso de grasa de la parte media y baja del abdomen

La cirugía de parpados

Como su nombre lo indica, se retiran las bolsas que aparecen debajo de los ojos.

La rinoplastia

La operación a la nariz.

Implantes de pectorales

Marcan la zona, la cual es muy difícil de tonificar en el gimnasio

Estiramiento Facial

El famoso lifting, que consiste en quitar el exceso de grasa facial, además de apretar los músculos y estirar la piel para conseguir una textura más lisa y firme.

Un lugar donde no solo encontraras vídeos, sino los datos más interesantes, las noticias más curiosas, y las imágenes más increíbles, eso es Cabrobueno, un lugar único en esta vasta red que es la Internet, estas bienvenido.

wallpaper eruption volcano

wallpaper eruption mountain pictureThe advice would serve as a warning. Natives and residents of nearby areas could also tell when an eruption is eminent.Thus, volcanologists and seismologists would be able to advise people days or even months before the eruption of a volcano. That is because it would take some time before a volcano is able to accumulate enough lava that would trigger an eruption.Often, there are indicators that are monitored before an eruption of a volcano.

Preparing for Volcanic Eruptions - Fortunately, volcanic eruptions do not happen abruptly. Mudflow can also occur if there is rain over the crater of a volcano that is near eruption. Many people have lost properties and loved ones to raging and molten lava that erupting volcanoes produce.Often volcanic eruptions also accompany great and destructive earthquakes, making the disaster more catastrophic. Volcanic Eruptions - Through the years, people have seen the destructive potential of volcanoes. The other type id the destructive of the active volcanoes, which occasionally erupt.

Such volcanoes are like normal mountain and do not erupt. One is dormant and inactive. Types of Volcanoes - There are two kinds of volcanoes. All you need is to take precautionary measures when the volcano produces signs of eminent eruption. You do not need to change address.

Be prepared for volcanic eruptions if you live nearby an active volcano. Volcanoes are truly one of nature's most destructive forces. Millions of people are living near and around them due to the beauty and fertility of the surround lands. Hawaii and other islands around the Pacific are also rich in volcanic supplies. The most destructive volcanoes are located in countries around the Pacific like Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines and New Zealand.

Most are located at special zones that are strategically located around the Pacific Ocean.Thus, the areas around the Pacific are collectively known as the Pacific Ring of Fire. Volcanoes are truly fascinating features of nature.

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wallpaper beautiful swan

wallpaper beautiful swan pictureEducate yourself about the informative swan They are lovely creatures and in plans of rearing them, you must be knowledgeable in terms of the important information about them. With the mentioned amazing swan facts, you now have basic knowledge about swans! Sometimes, they also eat insects and small aquatic animals. Swans feed on vegetation, particularly on aquatic plants.

The reason behind this is because of the poor quality of food and water given to them, and it is one of the sad swan facts around. Swans can live up to 20 years, but their average lifespan nowadays is only around 7 years. They have the same appearance as the cobs and the only trait that distinguishes them from male swans is their size; female swans are relatively smaller than male. A female is called a pen.

He protects his family by making a blow using his knucklebone. A cob or a male adult acts responsibly for his cygnets and for his partner. Amazing swan facts about a cob make them distinguishable from other birds. An adult male is the only bird that has a penis. A male is called a cob.

This is the typical appearance described in most books especially in fairytales. Mute swans are the only specie that most people are familiar of. However, divorce may happen where two break off their bondage and mate with others. They are monogamous which means that they only mate with the same swan for the rest of their life. Swans have their permanent partner for life.

Upon seeing them, many people became attracted in raising them for their own intentions and purposes. For these reasons, they are commonly displayed on ponds of public parks as well as on man-made bodies of water. With its graceful stature, anyone can fall in love in their pure white feather and classic neck curvature. Swans are pictures of elegance as these birds are featured on fairytales and amusement parks. Have you ever seen a swan?

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wallpaper stadium

wallpaper stadium desktopHere's how it all went down. On this particular day, it was quite the opposite. Old Traford has been known to be the place where dreams are made for the home fans and dreams shattered for their opponents.

It's like inviting setting up someone for a nasty trick and the trick ends up happening on you. How painful can that be. The worst part of all this is that they were beaten in their own backyard. The 'Red devils' received one of their worst losses at their backyard in Old Trafford to one of their long time rivals Liverpool. What happened at the stadium that was once known as 'The Theatre of Dreams' on March 14, 2009, is what led to the above headlines.

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Un talento increible para la Musica

Un talento increible para la Musica

Un talento increíble para la Música

Un instrumento musical atípico, y un talento desbordante, tan solo necesitas ambas cosas, para lograr hechizarte con una actuación asombrosa.

Imaginen un muchacho, no mas allá de los veinte años, que está parado frente a una pequeña audiencia, que no me extrañaría que fuesen sus compañeros de universidad, les muestra su instrumento musical y les dice que va a tocar un popurrí de temas, de ahí, solo nos queda disfrutar de una antología con temas que van desde juegos, hasta clásicos ochenteros.

Es realmente increíble el talento de este muchacho, un video imperdible.

Mira el video sobre un talento increíble para la Música

Un lugar donde no solo encontraras vídeos, sino los datos más interesantes, las noticias más curiosas, y las imágenes más increíbles, eso es Cabrobueno, un lugar único en esta vasta red que es la Internet, estas bienvenido

wallpaper mountain in the world

wallpaper mountain in the world desktopNorth America: Copper Canyon, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Arenal Volcano, Mount McKinley, Africa: Peak of the Furnace, Mount Kenya, Zuma Rock, Avenue of the Baobabs, Aldabra Atoll, Tsingy de Bemaraha, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti Migration, Mount Kilimanjaro, Sahara Desert, Red Sea Reef. Let's enumerate some interesting and beautiful places: Europe: Dune of Pilat, Vatnajokull Glacier, Vatnajokull Glacier, Vatnajokull Glacier, Davolja Varos, Eisriesenwelt Cave, Azure Window, Jaegala Fall, Rock of Gibraltar, White Cliffs of Dover, Mont Blanc, Mount Etna, Blue Grotto, Matterhorn, Mount Olympus, Cliffs of Moher, Retezat Mountain. The nature surprise us by it's diversity. The waters around it cover roughly 80,000 square miles, or 208,000 kilometers, an area slightly smaller than the state of Minnesota.

It's location is in the Coral Sea, the area of the Pacific close to Australia's northeastern coast. It forms a natural break water between the strong waves of the Pacific and the coast of Australia. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest reef of all, stretching an amazing 1,250 miles, or 2,000 kilometers, across the blue of the ocean. Coral reefs are found in warm, shallow, clean water.

The top of the reef sits about two to three feet below sea level. Reefs form under water and can be made of coral, sand, or rock. The Great Barrier Reef is actually a series of smaller reefs.

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wallpaper tower world wonders

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The marvelous skyscrapers constructed since 1960, Such was the magical engineering of Eiffel that even in the strongest pressure of winds this lofted tower never swings more than 4-1/2 inches. The Eiffel was the foremost European authority on the aerodynamics of elevated frames In the building of the Eiffel Tower, the arc of the base pylons was accurately designed so that the twisting and trimming pressures of the wind were gradually altered into forces of firmness, which the curves could endure more efficiently. including the antenna and weighing nearly 7000 tons. Constructed to rejoice the science and engineering accomplishments of its era this structure is towering 310m and 985 ft.

Out of the 701 plans proposed in a design competition, one was collectively selected, a far-reaching creation from the French structural engineer Alexandre Gustave Eiffel . The Prince of Wales was present at the formal inaugration. The Eiffel Tower, a huge stucture of uncovered latticework hold structure made of puddle iron, was put up for the Paris Exposition of 1889.

Facilities and Views

During night the Eiffel Tower is one of the grand sights of Paris and it Besides magnificent views, particularly when the Trocadéro fountains are in full pressure, you get a free show from the dancers and acrobat who act upon around the Palais de Chaillot. In all probability the best advance to the tower is to take the Métro to the Trocadéro rail terminal and walk from the Palais de Chaillot to the Seine. To get the maximum out of this vision of Paris, we suggest you to visit Eiffel Tower between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM GMT , when the City of Light is at its most excellent.

It is normally approved that one hour prior to the sunset, the view is at its finest; from the apex of the Eiffel Tower, you can observe Paris in authentic time, round the clock, whatever the condition of the weather may be in the French capital. From the three podiums of the tower — particularly the topmost — the view of Paris is terrific and superb.
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wallpaper waterfall world wonders

wallpaper waterfall world wonders pictureThese are common place and fascinating to see as it Another very common type of fall is the Fan, and this is where the water spreads out horizontally across the fall while still keeping in contact with the face of the rock. Just from these two versions you can see that there can be a big difference in the look and feel of the falls from area to area and waterfall to waterfall. The cascade waterfall you can see the water flowing over the rocks as if the water has actually carved out the path, rather than with the block waterfall where the water flows straight over the edge. Some of the smaller waterfalls that are carved out of the rock face include the Cascade, and this style is actually very common in many areas of the world.

Some of the more famous block style water falls would include the Grand Canyon of which this has a very wide river flowing over the edge of the fall. The first of the waterfall types is the Block, this is a common type and can be seen when the water comes down over the edge from a wide stream or river. Some of the waterfall types are more common than others and you will be able to associate them with the famous falls. There are many different types of waterfalls and within this article we are going to take a look at each one of them and you will undoubtedly be able to recognise an example of a waterfall from the types below.

There are many large well known waterfalls throughout the world and each one of them has its own unique look and carves an awe-inspiring landmark . The natural creations give an insight into how the land used to look and how the surface of the land has changed over millions of years. Waterfalls are one of the most beautiful natural features on earth and provide fascinating viewing for everyone.

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wallpaper monuments world wonders

 world wonders desktopThe list of wonders of modern world is defined in several ways and categorized under the categories like wonders by American society Latest wonders of the world include Great Wall of China, Petra in Jordan, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza Pyramid, Colosseum in Rome, Taj Mahal and Great pyramid of Giza located in Egypt (as the honorary candidate of the new wonders of the world). Wonders of the medieval world include Stonehenge, Colosseum, Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, Great Wall of China, Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, Hagia Sophia, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Taj Mahal, Cairo Citadel, Ely Cathedral and Cluny Abbey. Wonders of the ancient world include Great Pyramid of Giza, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, statue of Zeus at Olympia, Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes and Lighthouse of Alexandria. Out of these the most common and most famous list of Seven Wonders of the World is prepared after a certain time period.

Wonders of the world can be studied by classifying them in the three categories namely wonders of ancient world, wonders of medieval ages and the wonders of the modern world. These wonder are the mark of classical antiquity. These are decided by the individuals feed back and the importance of that wonder. The wonders of world are complied through ages after a long research. The wonders of world are also a great hub of tourism.

These wonders are protected monument. Several monuments are declared as the world's heritage site because of their architectural value and history associated to them. This world is surrounded by the various beautiful monuments that make it very special.

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wallpaper building world wonders

wallpaper building world wonders pictureThese wonders are enclosed in different other categories such as forgotten world, wonders of the industrial world, wonders of the ancient However, there are numerous wonders of the world that can’t be included in the seven pack size. This variation is dependent upon the significance that is attached to it over the years, and ots state of preservation amidst others. The replacements of the sites enlisted differ from time to time.

Sites such as Taj Mahal, Pyramids of Giza, Great Wall of China , Statue of Liberty, the once twin Trade Towers in the New York can be been enlisted in the seven wonders of the world list at one point or the other, some of these are still included in the latest list. The cataloguing of the seven wonders that have spelled bound visitors world over is supported by the feedback of the individuals who have either visited it once or would like to preserve it. It isn’t just a matter of a few days or months but years that enables the individual initiating the efforts towards preservation of wonders that require the utmost significance of the world. A lot of research and analysis is undertaken before the Seven Wonders of the World are decided upon. Seven Wonders of the World shouldn’t be necessarily confined to the peripherals of a subcontinent or a particular region.

Thee seven wonders of the world are not only confined to man-made structure but also natural monuments . The list of the Seven Wonders of the World has been rewritten a numerous times over the times by inclusion and exclusion of sites considered to be of World Heritage importance.

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moto Gp wallpaper

moto Gp wallpaper desktopSpeaking about Pedrosa, believe it or not he might present in Australia despite the collarbone fracture he suffered this past Friday in Japan during the practice for the Although he won't be able to fight for the title, since Lorenzo's 297 are impossible to reach with just 100 points left to dispute in the next four races, he still has a shot to finish the championship in second place, which is occupied by Dani Pedrosa with 228 points. These two wins are his first ones of the season, and have helped him to consolidate in the third position with 180 points. Last year's race was won by Australian rider Casey Stoner –Ducati Team-, who has performed at a great level in the past two races – Japan Grand Prix and Gran Premio A-Style de Aragon- to finish in first place. Last year's race is just an example of how rain is a common factor on this racetrack, when the riders had to wait over 30 minutes until the heavy rain yielded.

This racetrack is known for being long and modern, and where dealing with the rain is something very characteristic of it. Besides having the opportunity to witness Lorenzo proclaim himself as the champion, the 2010 Shell Advance Malaysian Motorcycle Grand Prix will also have a special celebration, as this will be 20th anniversary of the competition, which hosted its first race in 1991. Three years later Lorenzo finds himself at the gates of another title, only that this time there is a big difference: it would be his first Moto GP championship. This racetrack brings good memories to the Spaniard rider, since this is where his second Moto2 championship was accomplished in 2007.

As the 2010 MotoGP championship comes closer to an end with just four races left –Malaysia, Australia, Portugal, and Valencia- , Jorge Lorenzo will have his first chance to crown himself as the champion if he wins in Sepang. A victory in the Malaysian Grand Prix from Lorenzo would decide the MotoGP championship in his favor.

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wallpaper motor sport

wallpaper motor sport desktopTruck pulls are very exciting to watch, and is a motor Truck races can be held on a straight track, on an oval track, across many miles during an off-road race, or in an arena or roped off area that contains mud pits. Truck racing is also a popular motor sport, and basically has four different categories; the Craftsman Truck Series, monster trucks, mud racing and off-road racing. Today, these particular boats can reach speeds in excess of 200 miles per hour, and every day a new driver is trying to beat the odds at breaking one of the water speed records.

This type of motor sport can be traced back to the early 1900's, when powerboats started becoming popular. For those who enjoy boat racing, hydroplane boats are the watercraft of choice. Boat racing is yet another motor sport enjoyed by fans as well as by those who engage in the fast paced, often dangerous motor sport. All of this makes for quite an exciting spectacle for the motor sport fan. Dirt bike racing is often held on a dirt filled track, sometimes inside a large arena, and the grounds the drivers must cover include hills, hair pin turns and steep inclines.

wallpaper motor sport backgroundSome motorcycles are raced on an oval track, while others are run down a straight and narrow track. There are races for speed bikes, drag bikes, dirt bikes and mini bikes. Motorcycle racing is another motor sport enjoyed by many, and also includes various types of racing. Fans of this motor sport are excited to see their favorite drivers reach top speeds, have their cars perform well and enter the winners circle at the end of the race. Some types of automobile racing include NASCAR, drag racing, endurance racing, Formula One, off road, mud racing, midget racing, modified car racing as well as rally races.

Each individual type of automobile racing also has a specific type of track that the race is held one. Motor sport fans who just can't get enough of automobile racing have a diversity of different type of racing to choose from, all of which include different types of cars and different rules and regulations that govern this particular motor sport. Some other motor sports include tractor and truck pulling, and while these events don't necessarily involve a race, some type of competition always exists. Some of the motor sports enjoyed by Americans include auto racing, truck racing, boat racing, motorcycle racing, as well as ATV racing.

There are many types of motor sports and most of them involve some type of race.

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